Tuesday, September 9, 2008

When One Insane Artistic Endeavour is Not Enough....

So, in addition to my personal lay blog, and my actor blog, I decided to open up a more "writerly" blog as I recently picked up pen (well, keyboard) and decided to get back to writing.

Some know that whilst in Florida I did some writing on the side. Some was scholarly stuff that got published in a few journals, some was for an arts magazine, and some was straight up newspaper writing. However, I have always been yanked to the world of more "serious" writing...which for me just means writing for pleasure not a paycheck.

This blog is a kind of extension of my new artistic leg as I want to use this space to flex my keystrokes and ideas for my narrative non-fiction writing and rants which should, hopefully, help hone and inspire my more fiction based writing.

What do I write? Think Amy Tan, but male and Armenian. Ideas of identity and generations divided by wars and language. The need to relate to the past despite such deeply rooted enculturation. And in the process, hopefully opening an eye to events that most people are unaware of without standing on a soap box and screaming: YOU KILLED MY PEOPLE!!!!

Though I want to keep a steady stream of words coming forth, given my three "survival" jobs and an acting career focus that can't be derailed, it may prove challenging.

But when the moments arise, I promise laughs, quips, unabashed criticism, and grounds for commiseration....

I hope....

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